Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 3

Reading 3rd and 4th: We continued building our stamina during Daily 5.  The students were given their spelling lists.  They will be tested on them on Thursday the 11th. For their test they will have sentences dictated to them and will be responsible for writing the sentence correctly along with spelling their words correctly.  We continued finding the antagonist, protagonist and setting in a story. We also added finding the theme and character traits.

Writing: In handwriting we learned the letters r,s,u,v,w and x.  We practiced writing words that have the letters we have learned so far. We also started our opinion writing.  I read them a book called Hey, Little Ant.  It was about a boy who was about to squish an ant.  In the story you got both the boy's point of view and the ant's point of view on whether the ant should be squished.  I then read them a nonfiction book about ants.  We learned that ants are very interesting! The students took notes while I read both books. They then had to make an opinion on whether the boy should squish the ant or not. Using their notes they had to fill out a graphic organizer that stated their opinion, had 3 reasons to support their opinion, along with evidence from our non fiction book to support their reasons.  This week we will be working on self editing and peer editing.  Their rough drafts will be due by Wednesday.

Grammar: The students worked on correcting their DOL papers. When we correct the papers they are responsible for correcting any mistake they make.  I will correct a random day of DOL each week.  We also talked about nouns, pronouns.

Projects: The students continued working on their skits. We practiced in front of Mrs. Windriver's class and received great feedback. Each group will make any corrections to their skit and be ready to perform for the 1st grade on Wednesday.

COUNT DAY is Thursday September 11. This is the only day besides Halloween that the students don't have to wear their uniforms.