Saturday, August 29, 2015

August 24- 27

Reading:  This week we continued building stamina during Daily 5.  We added Word Work and Read to Someone.  I continued assessing the students while they were working during Daily 5.  We also continued learning about context clues.  The students made up their own words and put them in sentences.  The class then had to use context clues to figure out the meaning of their word.  

Spelling:  The students received their spelling lists.  We will be having a spelling test on September 3rd.

Writing:  This week we learned about how to write an opinion paper.  We began with a taste test between mint Oreos and berry Oreos.  The mint won by a landslide! We then discussed opinion sentence starters and transition words. Next, we used our information from our graphic organizer to write our paragraphs. We will continue with opinion writing next week by learning how to use facts to support our opinions.

Cursive: We learned 8 new letters (s,u,v,w,x, b, h, k).  The students are loving learning how to write in cursive!

Grammar: This week we learned about verbs and adverbs.  Next week will we learn about adjectives to complete the parts of speech.  There will be an assessment on all the parts of speech on Thursday.

Projects: The students were put in groups and are starting to write their scripts about their Tribe agreement.

** Remember that book orders are due on September 3rd.  You may order online or send in a check or cash.  If you send in cash please send in exact change. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015


We had a great first week! I loved seeing what everyone brought in their Me Bags.

Reading: We worked on building stamina during read to self.  They are doing a great job. The 4th graders also started "work on writing". Our mini lesson this week was on context clues. We will continue this next week.

Writing: This week we did a quick opinion writing and a narrative. I wanted to see where everyone is with their writing so I know which areas we need to focus on.

Grammar: This week we talked about nouns. The students got into groups based on which kind of noun was written on their card. The groups then created a poster to represent their group.

Projects: We talked about the different Tribe agreements and how they look in our classroom. We also did some fun team building activities. One involved spaghetti noodles and marshmallows. The other involved stacking cups. Ask your student about these fun activities.

Specials: We have music this quarter.

Almost everyone has turned in all of their paperwork.  If you still need to turn your paperwork in please send it on Monday with your child.

Don't forget to send in $1 with your child if he/she would like to wear any kind of socks or tights during this quarter.

Our classroom gets cold during the day.  It would be a good idea to bring a school approved sweatshirt to wear in class.

We still need a PE parent on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-4:00. If you are available please send me an email.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Let the new year begin! :)

Thank you to those of you who made it to the Back to School night. Please remember to sign all the paperwork, including page 15 of the handbook, and send it back in the binder on Monday. For those of you who were unable to make it, I will send home the paperwork in a folder. Please get it returned to me ASAP. 

Your student should have  received a letter from me by now.  If for some reason he/she did not he/she needs to bring in a bag filled with 3 things (small items or even pictures) that will let us know about them. We will share the bags during the first week.

We have a student with a nut allergy in our class. When packing the snack for the afternoon please have your student bring something that does not have nuts in it since we will be eating these snacks in the classroom.  Also if you make a treat for the class remember to make it nut free.

I am so exited to meet our class!  I know we will have a great year!

Remember if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.