Sunday, October 30, 2016


You should have received an email from sign up genius about conferences.  Please be sure to sign up for a conference time. If you did not receive the email please let me know.

Reading: The 4th graders started their literature study assignment.  Each student received either two fables, myths or legends.  They will compare and contract and discuss the theme, characters and traits.  They will complete their assignment by making a slide show showing all of these things.

The 3rd graders started an author study.  In partners they are reading 2 books by the same author.  They will compare/contrast and discuss the theme, characters and traits.  They will will complete their assignment by making a slide show showing all these things.

They took a Latin/Greek test and will receive new words on Monday.

The 3rd graders will have a spelling test on Thursday 11/3.  Make sure they are studying.  Remember they have to be able to write the word in context.  They must also start their sentence with a capital and end with the correct punctuation. 

Writing: In order to prepare for writing dialogue in narrative stories, we learned about correctly using quotation marks, commas and capital letters in dialogue.  We also created sentences that use words for effect (mood, etc).  

Grammar: We introduced regular and irregular verbs.  We filled out a chart about past, present and future regular and irregular verbs. We then learned about comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. The students each created a foldable about a different adjective or adverb.

Projects: The students completed their Nevada symbols book in order to get ready for our next project which will be introduced on Tuesday.

Misc:  The students can wear their Halloween costumes on Monday.  No masks can be worn in the classroom. Also please do not send in a weapon with your child's costume. We will be having our Halloween party on Monday afternoon.

Please make sure your student has a water bottle at school.  This will cut down on the amount of time they are out of the classroom getting a drink.  If you want to send a water bottle on Monday they can refill it at school and keep it here all week. They can then bring it home on Thursday to wash it. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The end of the 1st quarter

I hope everyone had a wonderful fall break! I know I did!  

Conferences: Be on the lookout for a sign up genius this week to sign up for a conference spot.  Conferences will be on Friday November 4th.  

Reading:  A lot of groups finished up their books before fall break.  When we come back I am really going to be pushing restating the question when answering and using evidence based terms when answering. They will be taking a Latin/Greek test on Thursday.  Please make sure your child is studying for this test. 3rd graders will be receiving their new spelling words on Monday.  

Writing:  We finished up our last opinion writing.  The students wrote about whether they think store bought or homemade costumes are better.  We will be doing narrative writing in the 2nd quarter.

Projects:  We finished up our catapult project.  This was such a great project thanks to the help of so many parents!  The students all did such a great job, from planning, to making a prototype, to building the big catapult.  

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Flashlight reading- pictures

October 3-6

Reading:  We continued to review this week.  

We also had a Latin/Greek test. They will receive their new words on Monday. I was disappointed with how many students said they did not study and they received 1s on their test. There are only 4 roots that they have to learn every 2 weeks.  If they practice just a few times they should be able to easily learn them.

Third graders will have a spelling test on Thursday Oct. 13th.

Writing: We finished our opinion writing on whether candy corn is one of the best Halloween candies or not.  They started off with tasting candy corn, although a few knew they already did not like it so they refused.  Then they sorted facts about candy corn as to whether they supported that it is the best or supported that it is not the best.  They then formed their own opinion and used the facts to support their reasons.  The class has become quite good at writing opinion papers!

Grammar:  I worked with a small group of students who needed review on parts of speech.  The other students did MadLibs to practice their grammar skills.

Projects: The students worked on their catapults.  Thanks to all the awesome help we had this was a great experience for everyone!  All catapults are built, now on to testing and adjusting.

Book Orders:  I sent home a new book order form.  I will submit the order on Thursday 10/13.  This is a great way for our class to earn free books.  Last order I was able to get a ton of new books for our class!

This is the last week of the 1st quarter!  Time flies when you are having fun!  This will be the last week before fall break. 

Catapult plan this week:
Monday-Wednesday 2:30-3:20 making adjustments as needed.
Thursday we will have the official launch at 2:15. The students will present information about their catapults first, then we will begin the punkin' chunkin' fun.  

On Monday and Tuesday if you are available to help the students make adjustments, we'd love to have you. 

Wednesday we'll be wrapping things up and preparing for the launch/presentation the next day; no volunteers are needed (as of right now).

Thursday we will hold the official launch. Last year I had several parents who marked the landing spots of the pumpkins with tape. If you'd like to volunteer to do this, please let me know. 

​Thank you again - this project would not be nearly as successful without all of your help. ​

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Reading:  This week we reviewed all the vocabulary we have covered so far this year.

 The 4th graders are working with their time management and using their time wisely.  

The 3rd graders had a spelling test this week.  I was quite pleased with how well they did!  They will receive new spelling words on Monday. 

3rd and 4th graders will have a Latin/Greek test on Thursday 10/6.

Writing: We finished up our opinion writing paper on the best animal. 

Grammar:  We learned about adverbs this week.  We then took an assessment on all the parts of speech.  Some of the students are still struggling with the different parts of speech, so we will be reviewing next week.

Projects: We are in the process of gathering all the supplies for our catapults so this week we learned about magnets.  The students had fun exploring with their magnets. 

We are going to start building on Tuesday 10/4 from about 2:30 to 3:30 each day.  If you are able to come in and help please let me know.  Mrs. WindRiver sent out an email about parent helpers. 

Misc: Ask your student about reading with flashlights with Mrs. WindRiver's class.  They had so much fun.  This is something we plan to do weekly. 

Fall Break is the week of October 17!