Monday, September 29, 2014

September 22-25

Reading:  This week for reading we focused on the 5 elements of a story.  Each day we talked about one of the elements.  We also started edmodo this week.  Have your student show you this at home. They are expected to complete edmodo in class but if they don't they can access it at home.

Cursive:  We learned the letters y, z, A, B, C and D.  They are all so excited to finish learning all the letters.  They are getting pretty good at writing the ones we have learned so far.

Writing:  We started a new opinion writing. Each student picked what animal they think is the best.  They did a quick jot and wrote down everything they know about the animal and why they think it is the best.  Then they used their chrome books to research their animal so find facts to support their opinions.

Grammar: Each group did a graffiti write on all the nouns they could think of.  Then they started categorizing them into people, places and things.  This week we are going to talk about pronouns based off of the nouns they found.

Projects:  Everyone was assigned a category.  With their group they started researching their topic 150 years ago and today.  This week they are going to use their research to start writing their papers.  We also had our field trip to the museum.  The kids were awesome!!  What a great bunch of students I have!!

If anyone is available to come in and help during projects these next few weeks that would be great. The more adult hands here to help out the better!  We do projects from about 2:30- 3:15 every day.