Sunday, September 25, 2016


Reading: This week we learned about 1st and 3rd person point of view.  The students received new spelling words on Monday.  They also took a Latin/Greek test on Thursday.  They will take their spelling test on 9/29.  

Remember to check your child's Edmodo.  This is where you can check to see how they are doing on their reading assignments. 

Writing: The students continued working on their best animal papers. They have had to do research on the best animal.  They are using their research to support their reasons of why their animal is the best. Once they have worked through the writing process they are going to type the final.  I am quite impressed with all their hard work!

Grammar: This week we worked on identifying verbs.  Each group was given a "busy" picture.  They then had to come up with all the verbs that were happening in the picture. 

Projects: The students finished up their catapult prototypes.  On Wednesday and Thursday they took turns demonstrating how their catapult works.  The class then gave feedback on ways to improve or how they could make it big for the final catapult.  The students then gave us a list of the supplies they will need in order to build their big catapult.  Mrs. WindRiver sent out a signup genius to all the 3rd grade parents.  Many of you had expressed that you had supplies you could donate for this project.  We need a lot of wood that is 2 feet or 3 feet long.  We need pvc pipe, bungee cords, rope, nails, screws, etc.  If you have anything you could donate to help us with this project that would be great!