We finally made it through all of the testing!! I am so proud of the students for all of their hard work!!
We had another crazy week that was filled with testing and schedules that were off.
The students are working hard on memorizing their poems. Most of them have their poem memorized and are just working on saying them with expression and movements.
The students have alway been working on their projects. They are coming out really good! I am amazed at the creativity!!
Here are some important dates to remember:
Wednesday May 11: Code Red drill. The school will be sending home detailed information about this. It will happen sometime after 2:00. If you do not want your child involved then you can pick them up after 12:00 and they will still be counted present for the whole day.
Thursday May 12: Poetry Slam @ 2:30 in our classroom
Monday May 16: Project presentations @ 2:30 (location TBD)
Wednesday May 18: 8th Grade graduation
Thursday May 19th: Last day of school! Field Day! Field day is an awesome day for the kids, but it requires a lot of volunteers to make it happen. Please look for the emails being sent out and sign up to help if you are available.
Thanks for a great year! I can't believe it's almost over!