Sunday, January 17, 2016

Jan. 11-14

Reading:  We have moved on to reading non-fiction text.  The third graders are working on finding their answers in the text and highlighting.  Then they have to restate their questions when answering.  The fouth graders need to also use evidence based terms when answering.

We took a spelling test on Thursday.  Look for new spelling words on Monday.  We will be taking a Latin/Greek test on Thursday 1/21.

Writing: The students continued working on researching their deep sea creatures.  Most finished up on Thursday and are moving on to writing their paper.  These creatures are so much fun to learn about!!

Grammar: We finished up learning about simple, complex and compound sentences.  The students also know about coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.  We took an assessment on this on Thursday.  

Projects: The students are coninuting working on their severe weather projects.  They have finished up their presentations and are now working their models to go with their projects.


* The students received new book orders.  I will be submitting on January 21st.  If for any reason you would like to order and need me to hold of on submitting the order please let me know.

*  We are out of paper towels.  I have the students wash their hands ever day before lunch to help prevent sickness so we go through a lot of papertowels.  If you would like to donate a roll or two that would be great!