Monday, October 6, 2014

September 29- October 2

Reading:  (3rd and 4th)-  The students worked in partners and read a picture book together.  Then they had to find the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.  They also had to find the protagonist, antagonist and decide if their book was written in first or third person.  We also took our 2nd Latin/Greek test.  This week they will have a spelling test on Thursday.  Make sure they are studying!

Writing: This week we finished up our opinion writing on what is the best animal.  Most of the students had time to type their final drafts and draw a picture of their best animal. These are hanging out in the hallway, come check them out!  This week they will be assessed on writing an opinion paper.

Grammar:  We reviewed nouns and pronouns and took an assessment.

Projects:  We have been working really hard finishing up our rough drafts this week.  The students are really learning how to work TOGETHER.  This week they will start getting their pictures ready for their tri-fold boards.