Sunday, April 22, 2018

Important upcoming dates

Testing days are about to begin.  This week we will do a lot of reviewing to prepare for our tests.

Please make sure your student is at school on the following days:

Tuesday 5/1- 3rd grade ACT ELA
           - 4th grade ACT Math/Science

Wednesday 5/2- 3rd grade ACT Math/Science
             - 4th grade ACT ELA

Monday 5/7- 3rd SBAC ELA part 1
          - 4th SBAC Math part 1

Tuesday 5/8- 3rd SBAC ELA part 2
           - 4th SBAC Math part 2

Monday 5/14-3rd SBAC Math part 1
           -4th SBAC ELA part 1

Tuesday 5/15-3rd SBAC Math part 2
            -4th SBAC ELA part 2

Saturday, April 14, 2018


3rd grade compared and contrasted the important points in two texts on the same subject. 

4th- Found cause and effect events in 2 different articles.

Both classes received new spelling words.  They will have a spelling test on 4/19.

Writing:  The students each received the same article on animal helpers.  Then some wrote a narrative paper based on the article, some wrote an opinion and some wrote an informational.  We will continue doing this for 3 weeks.  By the end of the 3 weeks they will have done one of each kind of writing.

Grammar: We are reviewing all the standards we have covered this year.  I am pulling small groups to work on specific standards.

Projects: We got ready for student led conferences. 

**Don't forget student led conferences will be on Friday April 20th anytime between 8:00 and 1:00.  These are student led so your student must be with you.  If you cannot come you can come before or after school the following week.