Sunday, September 25, 2016


Reading: This week we learned about 1st and 3rd person point of view.  The students received new spelling words on Monday.  They also took a Latin/Greek test on Thursday.  They will take their spelling test on 9/29.  

Remember to check your child's Edmodo.  This is where you can check to see how they are doing on their reading assignments. 

Writing: The students continued working on their best animal papers. They have had to do research on the best animal.  They are using their research to support their reasons of why their animal is the best. Once they have worked through the writing process they are going to type the final.  I am quite impressed with all their hard work!

Grammar: This week we worked on identifying verbs.  Each group was given a "busy" picture.  They then had to come up with all the verbs that were happening in the picture. 

Projects: The students finished up their catapult prototypes.  On Wednesday and Thursday they took turns demonstrating how their catapult works.  The class then gave feedback on ways to improve or how they could make it big for the final catapult.  The students then gave us a list of the supplies they will need in order to build their big catapult.  Mrs. WindRiver sent out a signup genius to all the 3rd grade parents.  Many of you had expressed that you had supplies you could donate for this project.  We need a lot of wood that is 2 feet or 3 feet long.  We need pvc pipe, bungee cords, rope, nails, screws, etc.  If you have anything you could donate to help us with this project that would be great!  


Sunday, September 18, 2016

9/12- 9/15

Our classroom is slowly making the transformation to being a Star Wars room! Thank you to Carrie Sheldon for buying some fun Star Wars things for our room. Also a big thank you to the Hockenberry-Grimes family for your coming in on Friday to help make our room look awesome! I can't wait to see the kids' reactions when they see all the fun changes that have been made so far. 

Reading:  This week we leaned about the story plot, including exposition, climax and resolution.  We also talked about the protagonist and antagonist.

We also had a spelling test this week.  Overall the students did great! The students will be receiving their new words on Monday. 
  There will be a Latin/Greek test on Thursday 9/22.

Writing:  We finished the ant writing and have moved on to writing about our favorite animal.  The students are working more independently on this writing.  They are having to research about their favorite animal and come up with 3 fact categories.  Next, they will transfer the information onto a graphic organizer and start their draft.

Grammar: This week we reviewed nouns, pronouns, regular and irregular plural nouns and adjectives.  I pulled small groups based on need.  

Projects: The students continued working on their prototypes for their catapults.   They are also making a list of supplies they will need to make their big catapults.  I told them that if they had certain supplies at home that their parents said were okay to bring in that would be fine.  However, they are not to ask you to go out and buy anything!  Be on the lookout for an email about supplies and volunteers needed.  Again, I'm not asking for you to go buy supplies only sign up to send in if it's something you already have at home and are willing to donate.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sept. 5-8

We are already half way done with the first quarter!  

Reading: This week we learned about theme.  I read several books and we discussed what the theme could be for each of the stories. 

The students also continued working on their edmodo.  I am going to have them work on putting more details in their answers.  They also need to be restating the question when answering.  Remember you can check their edmodo from home, just have your student sign on for you.

The students had their first latin/greek test.  Overall they did great!  They will receive their new words on Monday.

Don't forget to have your student study for their spelling test.  The next test is on Thursday 9/15.

Writing: The students continued with their ant writing and going through the writing process.

Cursive: We have learned all the lowercase letters and are now working on the capital letters.

Grammar:  We learned about adjectives this week.  Next week we will review nouns, pronouns, plural nouns and adjectives.

Projects: The students were partnered up for their catapult projects.  Some students have a partner from our class and some have a partner from Mrs. WindRiver's class.  It's always fun when we can mix up the two classes!  The partners then researched, planned, sketched and are now building a prototype of their catapult.  I am very impressed with what they have done so far!

Friday, September 2, 2016


We made it to September! One step closer to fall!

I am having so much fun with this class. They have great little personalities which makes our day so much fun!  I love that they know how to joke around and have fun, but when it's time to do our work they stop and get right to attentive listening and doing their work!  

Reading:   This week we learned about inferences.  We watched a funny commerical and a pixar short and talked about the inferences we could make with each.  If your student brought home a inference paper titled For the  Birds, could you please return it.  One of the students thought our turn in basket was the basket of papers that needed to be put in the mail boxes so it accidently got sent home before I could grade it.

We took our first spelling test this week.  If your student received a 1 on the test please sign it and return it so I know you have seen it.  The students are getting used to taking a spelling test in 3rd grade where they have to write the whole sentence.  They also have to remember to start the sentence with a capital and end with the correct puncuation.  Mrs. WindRiver and I are putting together the spelling groups for next week.  On Tuesday your student will receive a differentiated spelling list at your child's specific ability level. 

During bookclub this week the students learned how to use Edmodo.  This is the site where your students will submit their reading assignments each week.  You can check their edmodo at home, however I do not want them working on their edmodo at home unless they are absent a day and need to catch up.  

In cursive we are almost finished with learning all the lowercase letters.  Next I will introduce all the capital letters.  Once I have introduced all the letters the kids will each receive their own cursive book to work through.

In writing we started a new opinion paper.  First we read the story Hey, Little Ant and came up with reasons why the boy should squish the ant and reasons why the boy should not squish the ant.  Next, we read non-fiction ant books and took notes.  The students then came up with their opinion on what the boy should do. They will use the ant facts to support their opinions.

We reviewed regular and irregular plural nouns and took an assessment.  We then learned about abstract nouns.  The kids learned a catchy song about abstract nouns. :)

During projects the students learned about simple machines.  This will get them ready for making their catapults!